Antons Drebnieks
Sworn Advocate
Since the first day in the advocacy, practises in the field of criminal justice, implementing defense in serious and controversial cases. Can speak the Romani language at the basic level, therefore acquired a wide range of clients. Also practices in civil law, for example, in inheritance cases. Developed a dissertation «Moral Values and their adjustments for difficult students in Vocational Schools» and obtained a doctor’s degree in pedagogy. Has worked as a lecturer in various types of secondary education institutions and in higher education system.
Office of Sworn Advocates «Rusanovs & Partneri», since 2019
Individually practising sworn advocate, since 1997
Lawyer in several enterprises, till 1997
Highest degree in Law (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 1973)
Highest degree in History (University of Latvia, Faculty of History, 1982)
A scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogy granted with a decision of the Habilitation and Promotion Council of the University of Latvia, 1993
The Latvian Collegium of Sworn Advocates since 1997
- Latvian
- Russian
- English
- Romani