Administrative law

Administrative law is a legal discipline, which regulates the actions of administrative authorities that realise their public administration duty under the laws or other legislation. Administrative law also regulates the matters of control of legitimacy of these public authorities. The most well known legal disciplines are tax, competition, building, citizenship and immigration issues, operations of The Register of Enterprises, disposal of state and municipal property etc.

Administrative law is a procedure of legal protection used against country, which infringes upon somebody’s rights.

Tax issues

We provide consultations in area of taxation.

We assist in contesting and appealing State Revenue Service (VID) decisions.

Also we draw up petitions for interim regulations or for suspending of administrative acts and represent our clients in cases against VID in court.

Building law

Our services include consultation and advice regarding interpretation of law.

We offer legal assistance for protesting and appealing building authority decisions in court.

We draft all other necessary procedural-related documents, including complaints to the Regional development and municipal ministry, constitutional complaints to the Constitutional court, as well as applications for interim rulings.

We provide representation in court.

Citizenship and immigration issues

We represent the interests of our clients in State Border Guard, Department of Citizenship and immigration, in all court instances. We provide consultations and draw up necessary procedural documents.